A disability-positive cartoon that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000-2002 about a boy who was a wheelchair user (but didn't see it as his whole identity) and had a hippie named Mr. Jimmy as his guardian angel. His family included a sister, Kate, a brother, Bobby, his dad, Quentin and his grandmother, Gram-Gram and his friends included Ace, Goon, Julie and Sandra.
Pelswick was one of the best cartoons ever!
by Chandra May 19, 2005
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A derogatory term for any male that has soft qualities. Could be their lack of ability to pick up one night stands at a bar, or their general nerdness. Could also call them Pelz for short. Or someone REALLY deserving the name could be called Captain P, or Lt. P.
Ole Pelswick over there hasnt sealed a deal in months.
by T101mhz November 7, 2010
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a 13-year-old boy in a wheelchair.
"yo, that nigga's a pelswick!"
by don tronson February 27, 2005
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