Alex: Hey, Arianna, whatcha up to?
Arianna: just peeling the orange.
Madyson: you did what?!?
Arianna: Oh, im quite good at it... i just need something pointy and just stick on up there and wiggle it around and there you go.

Bailey A: be right back me and my boyfriend got to go peel the orange.
by the pineappler May 27, 2011
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The act of unbuttoning and possibly unzipping your pants in the car after eating too much at a buffet.
Dave: Man, I couldn't stop myself at that dessert bar.

Dan: Yea dude. I'm so full I gotta peel the orange as soon as I get in the car!
by RoxyPeters August 29, 2009
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v. peel·ing an or·ange

1. To strip or cut away the skin, or rind, of an orange while sitting on the toilet on the 5th floor mens bathroom at 200 Varick Street.
"Some guy keeps peeling an orange in the bathroom on the fifth floor."
by Mr. Fifth Floor April 11, 2006
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1) The stripping of clothing.

2) The removal of the skin of a citrus fruit.
You: "Wyatt, will you peel my orange?"
Wyatt: "Of course! Anything for you!"
by Carlito and Maj January 9, 2011
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Meaning tight with money, selfish, unlikly to share with others.
Ben: "Paul can I have one of them sweets please?"
Paul: "Fuck off they're mine!"
Ben: "Tight fucker, you would peel an orange in your pocket!"
Paul: "Whatever"
by Ben Daniels December 14, 2006
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to generally be a tight ass mofo who would never share his biscuits with u or such items.
Scott: Can i have a biscuit please??

Philippe: No, i bought these biscuits. They're mine!!!

Scott: U tight mofo, i bet u can peel an orange in your pockets!!
by a disgruntled worker March 8, 2010
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Guy 1: dude did you go down on your girl last night

Guy 2: yeah but it was so hairy I had to peel her orange if you know what I mean
by Peelherorange January 4, 2016
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