A day without stress, fear, tension or worry, unknown in America since 2016, and let us wonder why.
She tried to remember her last truly peaceful day. They used to be common, but ever since... she hated to even say his name... took office, it had been an endless stream of crisis, turmoil, instability, and now this, the world seeming to collapse.
by Monkey's Dad March 30, 2020
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1. Often referred to as 4/30 or 430®, it is an opportunity for people on April 30th worldwide to unite in the struggle against Hate, Hate Crimes, Bullying, Inner City Violence, Violence against the planet & Violence worldwide.

2. An annual event (created by World Peace Sign Brand & founder Leo J) held on 4/30 to recognize and celebrate freedom & peace worldwide with music, a 4.3k Walk 4 World Peace and the releasing of the World Peace Sign balloons to let go of negativity, frustration, fear and usher in the spirit of love & unity.

Affiliated with the World Peace Sign® and World Peace Sign Brand
There were 10,000 balloons released at the World Peace Sign Day festival.
by Leo-J October 25, 2015
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On December 21st, participants of Anti-Fur-Day and Fur-Day come to a peace agreement, apologizing for previous actions. The effects of Anti Fur-Furry Peace Agreement Day are normally short lived, most will be fighting again the next day.
Rainb0wF0x: Its Anti Fur-Furry Peace Agreement Day today.

FurrySlayer420: Oh really? I'm sorry for all the hateful messages and bullying we inflicted upon you furrys.

Rainb0wF0x: And I'm sorry for making you roleplay as a pink hyena with antlers and putting you thousands in debt by making you buy a fursuit UwU.
by WebDriverTorso December 18, 2020
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A historic day in which an Indian retard stopped his cringe and left us for good
God has blessed us with Global Peace Day
by 6w9 September 7, 2020
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To take a day off for the following purposes:

1. To isolate oneself from a select group, which can encompass- a: unfavorable coworkers, b: circles of friends, c: society as a whole, d: anyone or anything that may cause dischord on that day.

2. To keep peace of mind.

Things such as taking a day off to relax at home or cutting off certain forms of communication to get things done away from people fall under great ways to spend a peace day.
"Where the hell is Jake? He's not answering his phone, and I have to tell him how pissed I am at Gene..."
"Dude, shut up. He's taking a peace day."
by sushiseal September 6, 2009
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