Outragoeously tremendous or outrageously horrendous, depending on the context.
Person A: Splinter Cell is outrendous.
Person B: No way man, Frogger beats Splinter Cell...
Person A: That's what I meant.

Person 1: Your new high-lighter yellow shoes are outrendous!
Person 2: In the good way or the bad way?
Person 1: um... *runs away*

Anonymous 1: Wow, you got asked to be a partner for that huge law firm? That's outrendous!
Anonymous 2: Yeah, I know.
by bernz June 18, 2006
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It means to become trend in any kind of social media by overcoming another the previous trend. It can be done either intentionally or not.
The new photos of Tom's shampoo are outrending Lion King's trailer.
by Atlas's cat April 1, 2017
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