To do better than expected or anticipated.
"Benny is dating Darla? Whoa, she's way out of his league. He was totally able to outkick the coverage."
by hoaxtax December 7, 2012
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To engage in a romantic relationship with a person who is much better looking, and/or smarter, and/or in a higher socioeconomic class than you. Essentially, a person who is widely considered to be 'out of your league.'
Bob: Your new girlfriend is smokin' hot... A legitimate '8'... How do you continue to keep outkicking your coverage.

Other guy, also named Bob: I have an extremely large penis!
by Buteramerica April 24, 2009
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Having a date/mate that is significantly more attractive than you.
Seal really outkicked his coverage with Heidi Klum.
by MB999 July 3, 2006
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