"orite marra, as garn yam" - "hello mate, im on my way home"
by alycia! September 9, 2007
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Basically just means "Oh right"
Easier to spell.
Person 1: Remember when I told you my secret?
Person 2: Yeah, what about it.
Person 1: Yeah I told you not to tell anyone.
Person 2: orite, uhhh, i gotta go
by megaroo0oo June 10, 2010
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Beautiful, light hearted, maternal and loving
Orit let's me sleep on her couch and cooks me dinner.
by elishekels February 5, 2010
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"Orite mate how's it going?"
"Hi orite?"
"Orite mun I was only joking, calm down!"
by Griff2k19 February 3, 2019
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He has enough drip and sauce to fill a dam if he wishes,shy and tall like a tree, a one sentence comedian, likes every girl he sees, has a new crush every day. The rarest personality you will ever see.
He looks like a Orits
by Moses232 February 3, 2019
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Could be walking to the pub, and you look at your mate and say... Dave orit
by Wolf week March 28, 2020
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