The study of splooge (semen) and its many variations.
1. If its chunky and lumpy, it's cream corn.
2. If its watery and fizzy, it's cream soda.
3. If its going into something (such as an orphace), it's cream pie.
4. If its thick and really white, its cream cheese.
5. If its white and light, its whipped cream.
"I need to study my Splooge-ology".
"Oh god I'm going to CREAM CORN, good thing I know Splooge-ology".
by The Evil Squarehead June 22, 2011
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The study of HEE *moyai*
I am a doctor of HEE-ology
by Wiganello October 13, 2020
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the type of 'scientific' knowledge that is passed from one lad in the gym to another, which is more likely to be pseudoscience.
'My mate told me if I want to get ripped I have fast every second day'.

'No way, that is total bro-ology'.
by Zbignieva December 14, 2011
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What you call When you have a class with one or more bros
Bro1:dude what do you have 3rd hour
Bro2: I have bro-ology
by Murphee2 September 13, 2008
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pickle-ology dates back to the 90's when Mcdonalds put pickles on their burger. It was around this time i made up the main idea of pickle-ology: FOod items that already have flavor do not need more flavor, therefore the pickle is not necessary on a burger. Pickles are only needed when your in a "taste the food slump" (see taste the food slump)
You have eaten french fries for the last three days... herego the fourth day rolls around and your in a french fry slump... So you eat a pickle .. and wammy! your like French Fries :)"Thank god i studied pickle-ology."
by Jill / Alex January 26, 2006
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the study of American rapper, Cardi B's influence in music, social issues and her philosophy on human relationships
Conservatives talking so much about WAP, they got a degree in Cardi-ology .
by Neonbohemian August 15, 2020
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Manipulating your partner to have sex with you after initially getting rejected.
John: Babe I wanna have sex.

Janet: Not today I have a headache.

John: Thats Okay. I'm going to happy hour. I'll be home late, don't wait up.

John: (to himself) Reverse Fuck-ology. Works like a charm.
by Chieflickalottapus December 31, 2011
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