A word, popularized by Voldemort, used to express extreme emotion, most often anger or hate.
Harry Potter: "Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started, together." *jumps off cliff*

Voldemort: *as they are falling* "NYEAH!!!!!!!"
by Xeno LoveGood June 21, 2011
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A noise Lord Voldemort seems to make quite a lot, usually before falling off a cliff or doing something epic.
Example 1 -
Harry: Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it. Together!
Voldemort: NYEAH!!!

Example 2 -
Voldemort: Only I can live forever. NYEAH!!!
by skafruit29 August 29, 2011
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there is no definition, it can be used in any way
1. Man that is so nyeah!
2. I'm going to nyeah you up so bad
4. i got nyeah'd..
5. Holy nyeah!
by Peter Hwang October 26, 2006
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The sound an airplane makes. Can be yelled at quiet moments to freak people out. Can also be used to end awkward silences. Is sometimes followed by "I'm going in!"
*Classroom suddenly grows awkwardly quiet* "...Nyeah!" *Laughter, and strange looks* "Nyeah!" "Nyeah, I'm going in!"
by CodeRandom February 27, 2011
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Acronym for "not yeah", usually used as a sound of discontent, especially when someone does is not enthusiastic about something another person has said.
Tom: "So what did you think of that movie?"

Sam: "Nyeah, it was okay."
by Big White August 20, 2004
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A mixed answer with the first Letter of No with Yeah altogether in fact a Negative answer in Four Slavic Languages: Belarusian, Polish, Russian and Slovak
Mum: Did you do the Dishwasher?

Me: Nyeah. No and yes
by Porg009 December 25, 2020
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Canadian lingo of saying yeah. Could also be used as a sarcastic yeah or cheeky yeah.
Actor 1: My bitty is so bad fam, she got a nice physique or what

Actor 2: nyeah famm I’d be doneso in 30 seconds
by breht10 April 29, 2021
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