When a spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend pretends to be asleep when you get home after a late night out, so they can tear you a new one when you wake up.
I tried to slip into bed last night without Megan noticing, but it turns out she was lying in wake. She told me this morning when she was chewing my ass.
by slinger91 May 9, 2009
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sucks at catching bricks and cries on tv..... Believes he is milsim God, windows catch better...
David Ly is a douche
by Story-Teller January 5, 2015
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Cow-lying, a term used for the action of cows lying down before it rains. The cows know the rain is coming, some would say due to falling pressures, but the truth is the cows are psychic and lie down to protect their patch of grass, their terrotory. This is food that they keep dry to eat after the rain has stopped as they think wet grass is yucky. Many people know that when a cow is lying down, they are simply just tired, or rain is coming.
Brian: "Cows are lying down, must be knackered"
Brendra: "No, they're 'cow-lying' its going to rain.."
by Ginguuuurrr August 19, 2010
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Consistent fibberary, trying to explain oneself with lies, repeat lies building upon lies to try to cover up other lies. Refers to mouth
Person 1: Shut your lying hole. It's just disgussing that you have to lie and bullshit me.
by That Raffy Taffy January 26, 2015
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Someone who is so good at telling lies that he or she can convince anyone to believe them!
Tom tells everyone at work that he used to be a senator and because he's so good at convincing everyone in his lie they believe him thus making him a lying giant!
by Joecrash396 June 18, 2018
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A term created by Al Franken, used to reference when someone is saying something as a joke, but they know that its the truth.
"Sure, I'm the bad guy" joked Tom, but Jack knew he was Lying on the square.
by Mike Zimmermann February 2, 2006
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