Something everybody calls you behind your back. Just kidding, Ugly is something I tell myself I am at night because of the bullying I've dealt with for 15 years because the school didn't do anything about it.
She isn't ugly
by TFGTYgyfcygFTFjvgVG October 21, 2020
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What pretty girls call them selfs to get nice compliment.
Sara Pretty Girl: Im so Ugly

Ashley: No Way your gourgeous Sara!!

Sara Pretty Girl: Thanks!
by FrenchMousy August 28, 2010
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Something that pathetic, ugly little boys like to call non-ugly girls who say no to their sexual advances.
Boy: ''Hey, wanna fuck?''

Girl: ''No thanks.''

Boy: ''Fuck you then, you're ugly anyway!!!''

Girl: ''If I was that ugly your desperate ass wouldn't be asking me to fuck, retarded male.''
by Rozalyn November 13, 2006
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A word you should NEVER EVER call someone EVER
“Are you calling me ugly cause the only thing ugly around here is your personality like why the fuck would you want to make someone feel like that????????”
by Ge0rgia-rose January 12, 2021
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1) quality which makes a person or thing physically unappealing
2) a flaw in an otherwise valuable and precious object
3) imperfection which makes a person truly human and normal
1) ugliness is not a crime
2) the true ugliness of his car was the plastic happy face with the cowboy hat on the end of the antenna (but he couldn't be bothered to remove it)
3) even though he considered his every flaw to be ugliness, she saw the beauty of it all.
by picklejar August 14, 2004
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