War in Middle Earth

-A server of LOTR on NWN
It is a noob server cuz noobs run it, like Maribel or Face.
by Someone23456 July 25, 2006
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A grenade at a party who waits till you are very drunk and just keeps on coming at you in order to try to hook up with you.
Man1:Shit man Jon was Noob tubed at the party. I felt so bad for him
Man2: Hahahahaha, she was so fat. Poor bastard
by DJ Comphy November 23, 2011
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ah yes. this refers to.. well just look at the name. back then when you and i were a wee-little-nooblet. it is a reflection of the "stone age" if you will.
used obviously in gamer language, this is more of a historical double word. just remember way back when you used "heavies" and noob weps and everyone criticized you for your lame fast kills. its all writen in the books. its all there.
the noob-days start once you enter a new game and dont know how to play.. as you go... they fade away more and more. sigh... good times... dark goooood times.
guninhand: hey noob wtf. stop using heavies you fucking noob

officern00b: tss make me douche

guninhand: how about i snipe your ass down and send you back to the noob-days fucking noob

by catinthehat101 August 10, 2007
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an online player who cant play video games very well, usually the one that is kicked out of rooms for being the worst player.
ugh can someone plz kick out this povo noob.
by kirbyrishi December 3, 2010
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A non-existant game made by what-so-called noobs who play League of Legends but they decided to create a new game. It is a complete rip-off of League of Legends, however only noobs play it to lessen the difficulty and lower the probability of raging.
Bob: "Wanna play League of Legends?"
Pro4Lyfe says with tears: "Hell no! It's too hard. I'm playing League of Noobs!"
Bob: "You noob."
by Nerds&Cliches&Cocks August 14, 2014
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The yellow skinned people with blocky bodies and a blue shirt with green pants. These can also bacon hairs. Their names go from "juanito2373920" to "yfgHTGHubhjgfhgjihyu" to even "IhasPooedMysef33". They might be weird but we can all agree they are adorable to watch trying to understand Roblox
"Hey look! Its a Roblox Noob skin!"
"Don't talk to him, He's a luisgamercool"
by Mister Masturbator February 24, 2021
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a myspace noob can be classified by 3 or more of the following examples.

1.has just gotten a myspace.
2.adds EXTREME amounts of apps.
3.adds EXTREME amounts of songs, usually recent and or overhyped shit.(see lil wayne for more details)
4.adds EXTREME amounts of cheesy, terrible jokes onto their page surrounded by a shitty border, usually in the form of an HTML picture.
5.adds EXTREME amounts of people, including celebrities, people that their friends know but they themselves dont, and just random people from another town.

there is no known cause of becoming a "myspace noob". it is EXTREMELY common to see 3 of the above examples within the first week of someone getting a myspace.
Bill:hey ted, did you hear that jim just got a myspace? its decorated with shitty jokes and he has 70 friends, mostly celebrities.

Ted:well i guess that means jim's a myspace noob.
by Budda2212 August 1, 2009
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