1. meaning any other word like stupid/not smart
2. NOT meaning homosexual
3. calling someone ghey is not mean
4. your not calling he/she GAY
5. pronounced like 'gay'
god, why do you have to be so ghey

by jasc000 May 18, 2007
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To use excessive idiocy; moron.
Not the same as the meaning 'gay' for a homosexual.
Tarina: I can't spell my name right anymore!
Tori: Dude, you're so ghey. Geebus.

You're a ghey n00b-cake.
by Treechicken March 4, 2007
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1.how you spell gay when some one says that you shouldn't say gay because its rude
kid''oh man thats sooo ghey''
adult ''you should say stupid instead, gay could insult someone''
kid'' no non no, its gay as in G H E Y''
by audrey berg March 17, 2008
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ghey = stripping the homosexual part of the word "gay" and leaving the original meaning of it: Too fake, too cheery & with plenty of contrived delicateness.
That dude looks ghey wearing that orange t-shirt with bubble-shaped writing.
by darkduskx March 22, 2006
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a yimmy ghey is a fat blunt rolled with mid-grade or schwag marijuana, usually laced with other drugs or caffiene pills to heighten the effect, terminology popular in Wisconsin
Yo man, pass me the yimmy ghey, its my turn
by Tom Sager September 24, 2006
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a word meaning gay but in a whiney loud voice.
Your so gheeyyyyyy. Greg and Chris are being so ghey.
by gheyyy69 December 30, 2010
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The words Gay and Ghetto put together. Used to describe something that is lame, not working, or just dumb.
Person 1: MySpace is ghey
Person 2. I know, what's up with all of those errors?
by feverrrr August 28, 2006
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