An excuse scrubs use when they die in PUBG or any other game because they suck
I was lagging, that's why I missed him by a fucking mile
by BigJP21 January 21, 2018
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Something that gamers type after inserting a butt plug into their anus. This is often done after dying, to better utilize their free time.
They might also say "Lagging" to indicate that they currently have a butt plug inserted.
Gamer has been killed.
Gamer: "Lag"
In game but acting strange:
Gamer: "I'm lagging rn"
by InternetGamer April 24, 2020
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not to be confused with latency (the time it takes to send a packet to and recieve a response packet from a server along a network), lag is impaired computer functionality (slow application responses or reduced/choppy framerates) resulting from high latency, packet loss, or low-preformance (generally video) hardware

adj. laggy, vi. lag
"My ping's 198?! No wonder this server's so laggy!"


"If you turn down you resolution, you won't get as much lag."
by Johann7 August 24, 2004
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A prison name for someone who's in doing time or someone who has done time (Britain and Ireland). In use the mid 20th century and probably alot earlier too. In a song written by Brendan Behan; the old triangle.
Lag- He's an old lag, done plenty of time in Mountjoy.
by Pkinc October 28, 2009
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Number one cause of violence amongst gamers.
Gamer with bloody knuckles comes into a bar. The barkeep asks, "What happened to you?" To which the games replies: "Lag..."
by Digital Douglas February 4, 2010
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Something that happens upon people with slow connections, or idiots who don't know when to stop downloading porn.
me: Why does it lag so much? Who the $^@# is downloading porn?
some idiot: me
by Kestrel December 22, 2005
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A newb's excuse for getting pwned
some guy:OFMG Lag
me:STFU this is a LAN newb. I pwnt yoos.
by BullChri May 23, 2005
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