man to a man "whats up nigga" "yo nigga whats cracken" but man to women "whats up nigga" "i aint no nigga nigga"
by christopher william February 15, 2008
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brothers who only cares about chicken and grape soda. not to be confused with an African-American.
Brotha 1- ''nigga what about your wife!?!?!''

Brotha 2-''Nigga fuck my wife! I'm tryna run to save my mother fucking life!''
by vegaskustom May 7, 2011
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To fix an earlier definition:

A word a white person can NEVER say while MORE THAN ONE black person is present or they stand a relatively high chance of being beat down.
Ex. 1:
White person: Yo, nigga!
Single black person: Yo, what's poppin'!

Ex. 2:
White person: Yo, niggas!
Group of ten black people: What'd you say?
They beat him down.

Ex. 3:
White person: Yo, niggas
Group of ten black people: What'd you say?
Another white person walks up and stands next to the previously mentioned white person.
Group of ten black people: Hey, man, what's ha''ening!?
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Tupac's opinion, there was a difference between the 2 words "Nigga" & "Nigger".
Nigger - black slave with shackles on his neck.
Nigga - black person with a gold chain around his neck.
Also, N.I.G.G.A. - Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished
My opinion...

Nigger - still a slave, brainwashed, coconut, bounty.. what ever you wanna call it.. still a slave in a system created by the descendants of the white slave masters...

Nigga - usually a young black male, caught up in a trap in this system of society they are trying to escape..

That follows on with the two terms "House Negro" and "Field Negro"...
by Lywarkai November 11, 2006
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A common mispelled word. Originaly from the word Negro, then during the Atlantic Slave trade Americans used the word Nigger. Is is unknown why it is aceptable for the black species to greet themselves with a term they have fought so hard to not be called it. The correct term is Nigger
"Nigga? No you say it like, 'Lets go lych us a nigger.'"
by Aaron Christ October 1, 2006
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A word that came into meaning when Black people decided to take power away from the word Nigger. Because they can't stop people from saying it. This is why Black people can get mad when white people use it because we took White man's word and made it ours.

Nigger is offensive but nigga can be taken as an offensive term when a white person uses it with a nigga they don't know and when "my' or whaddup isn't used in front of it.

Also describes a stupid black person.

Used by a black person to threaten a black person
Whaddup nigga

My nigga

Diss nigga (followed by a shaking of the head).

Whachu lookin at nigga!
by Rellz August 29, 2006
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sup my nigga or see that house right there thats the nigga crib
by bizrad g March 8, 2005
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