The unpleasant order that can saturate fabric adjacent to a man’s taint, or grundel, after prolonged periods without access to dry-cleaning.
"Taint-a-nice-smell" on my Ludlow suit pants after two weeks at the climate meeting.
by Ligua Frank-a November 15, 2013
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The nicest compliment ever paid to a member of Team Engage.
Heckova job. You smell nice, I smell nice. Happy Birthday!
by mgl October 8, 2014
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According to Chuggaaconroy in the TheRunawayGuys LP of Pikmin (episode 13), possible slang for pooping on someone's chest.

More practically, an example of very specific slang terms that have little actual purpose as they are incredibly niche or raunchy, yet sound like perfectly rational phrases (like deflower either meaning losing a flower... or sex.)
I just went on a date with my fiance, and let's just say the corn smells nice.

You could say some perfectly reasonable phrase like, I dunno, "the corn smells nice", and someone would tell you "OH MY GOD, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!"
by Camwood April 11, 2019
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A code word for describing someone's fetishization of taking a shit on another's chest.
Person A: Hey, did you know Emile thinks the corn smells nice?

Person B: Yo that's pretty fucked up, I didn't know he was into that sort of thing.

Person A: Well let's not kink shame over here, I still think he's cool.
by Willow :^) April 12, 2019
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