It’s when you want to say the n word in a comical more fun way.


Franky: Yo I heard that Luffy hit his head on the table when he tried to lick cola of a table

Usopp: What a stupid Neegah why would he want to do that in the first place?

Franky: Yo I heard that Luffy hit his head on the table when he tried to lick cola of a table

Usopp: What a stupid Neegah why would he want to do that in the first place?
by Maxedgang24 July 26, 2020
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wigga aka wegro or a white person who acts black accoring to gdaddy
yo neegah this is gdaddybigpimpin
by jimmy smith April 11, 2005
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this man (or dickhead as it would seem)is a discrace to the name jimmy smith, I am the real Jimmy smith!!! bow before my might!!!
the jimmy smith who came up with neegah is a complete wanker and an imposter, I am the real jimmy smith!!!
by jimmy smith April 29, 2005
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The department in Walmart, Kmart or Target which specializes in blackness. e.g: gangsta clothing, big dick enhancement, fried chicken devouring and neegahs!
Person 1: Duh herro can I speak to somebodeeeeeeh! in duh neegah depahtament prease?!
Employee 1: Sorry what?
Employee 1: oh you mean duh mafia? HELL YEH!
by Jon_woo February 16, 2016
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equivilant of nigga please
Hey you wanna go hang out later tonight?

Oh i can't i have a penis enlargement class to attend.

Neegah preej.
by Waylo Bob March 7, 2004
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