1. n. Silicone which make its way into a celebrity

2. n. The process/operation of implanting them
1. "I should get myself them navjotsinghs", thought Paris to herself

2. "Let's get this navjotsingh right", said the doctor. "We don't want another Tara Reid fiasco"
by Happybirthdayns January 30, 2011
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1. (noun)- Silicone which makes its way into a celebrity

2. (noun) - The procedure/operation of implanting the silicone
1."I'll get myself some navjotsingh", thought Paris to herself

2. "Bet get this navjotsingh right", said the doctor. "We don't want the Tara Reid fiasco all over again"
by happybirthdaynav January 30, 2011
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