Gorgeous blonde girl.
Big personality, guys love her and she's hotttttt!!!!!!!
Exotic, sexy and beautiful

Loves to party, loves her friends.
Guys want her, girls want to be her
"OMG... She is so gorgeous, in and out! She's such a Mzuri!"
by rawr-monster September 2, 2009
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a cool as person who everyone loves :)
they are the radicalist people alive and if you ever are privileged to meet one you should bow down before them. They are the epitome of sex godesses. They have the faces of angles and rocking bodies of victoria secret models. they know how to get down and have fun but still remain there dignity. They smile and are happy alot of the time and care alot for animals and world issues.
If everyone was a mzuri the world would be a perfect place to live in.
"i met a mzuri today" - you
"Wow, they are like heaven on earth" - friend
"i wish i was a mzuri" - both
by baba ganoushga September 2, 2009
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