When you get a preacher to ignore the damage to your family and publicly forgive your lack of character even though you paid off your mistress and tried to hide it. Usually includes a pay off of some type to that preacher, including but not limited to, providing huge tax cuts for the preacher's top donors or finding ways to control the bodies of women through legislative mechanisms. Usually reserved for politicians who have "traditionally" been allowed into "exclusive" country clubs as members but not as staff.
"We kind of gave him—‘All right, you get a mulligan. You get a do-over here,’”
by MarioWire January 24, 2018
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A stomach churning smell created by someone, but with complete denial of the origin. Also denotes small smell child from "an Sligeach", as they are blamed for Mulligan's to avoid embarassment
Oh my , did u drop a mulligan, "me? no never"
by pogi1alan August 8, 2006
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1.The surname to beautiful blondes
2.An Irish Monk
hey man, that mulligan chick sure is gorgeous, i'd like to plough that bitch
by ...hannybee! October 19, 2007
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2:Mulligan- A word used in replacement of F.
"Oh, go mulligan yourself..."
by Cpry-Ryan-Tony-Justin August 21, 2005
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Word that describes a person who talks a lot of shit but don't do nothing about said shit.

Person that makes up a bunch absolutely ridiculous nigger shit that no human could possibly ever believe no matter how blind, retarded or brain dead they are.

A person who is skinny and a punk ass white bitch that talks tough and all kinda shit when his white ass bouta get dropped kicked into space.

-To pull a mulligan
Tim "Yo I'm in the military and I have been to afganistan and killed like a hundred terrorists"
Sally "WTF aren't you like 16 and still in highschool?"
George "Just ignore his shit, he's Mulligan you"

and or "He's such a mulligan"

chodelittle bitchniggercuntlol
by MoistNIgger March 30, 2016
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Somebody who's up in it, lovin' it, and they heard your mother say "Come Again"
Brah. Brah. I am Hercules Mulligan.
by Fuckingchristalive August 12, 2016
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