Shit mouth is a term used to describe a person's vocabulary. This person is usually an over talker. Talks relentlessly about shit that doesn't matter. Mouth garbage, word spewage.
Rick always talks about nothing important to every one, he has cronic shit mouth.
by sMartipants March 2, 2012
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The act of farting diretly into a girls mouth, and proceeding to throw her down an elevator shaft.
My wife spent three years in a coma and woke up with her mouth tasting liek shit after i gave her the Puerto Rican Shit Mouth.
by Rikki fo sho January 23, 2007
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A sex move where you shit in your partner’s mouth
I think I found my new fetish, shit mouthing
by XXX_epicgamern00b69420_XXX February 16, 2020
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People who talk behind your back.
Hey shit mouth say what you say behind my back to my face now!
by April 16, 2017
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A person whom cannot resist shit from falling out of their mouth. Constantly talking of things that do not concern them.
He told another tall tale on Ricky, what a shit mouth. Can’t he mind his own business?
by Josh Cause December 12, 2018
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