The practice of fandom trolling and/or telling outright lies in interviews in order to whip fans into a frenzy of excitement and completely off-base speculation, for the lols. Named for British television writer Steven Moffat.
That moffism seriously screwed with my head--he told us she wasn't going to do that!
by D0KTAH April 22, 2011
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The general mind-fuckery associated with watching almost any episode from season five onwards of the new Doctor Who. Written by Steven Moffat and featuring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams, and Alex Kingston as Dr. River Song, the episodes often leave subtle hints as to what's going on without giving a straight answer until the very end (and sometimes not even then).
Whovian 1: Hey, did you see the new episode of Doctor Who last night?

Whovian 2: Yeah, that Moffism was intense!
by KitSnicket April 28, 2011
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