Mistha is very unique name.girls with such names are very innocent and soft hearted.she is music lover and listens to music when she is having mood off.she easily trusts everyone but sometimes other break her trust .she always try to keep everyone happy and tries to never do things that will hurt others. She is introvert but extrovert if with friends. She don't like sports. She can do anything for them whom she loves. And will try to never do things that will hurt others.
A - hi.what's your name?
B- hello, myself mishtha

A wow! Such a loveable name!!
by 27j2006 November 25, 2021
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mishtha is very unique name . girls with such names are very innocent and soft hearted. She easily gets attached to everyone and also gets hurt alot.She always help everyone .she is introvert with all but extrovert with friends. She trusts everyone so quickly and is music and dance lover. Whenever she feels sad or bored ,she listens to music or dance,it refreshes and diverts her mind. Mishtha can do everything to make the one happy whom she loves and will never like to do things that hurt others and when do any mistake, feel sad for that whole heartedly.She never do things that will hurt her parents. She is having very few but true friends.
by 27j2006 November 25, 2021
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She is a polite girl. Gets in trouble easily and because of this needs help very often. Has many things to say to people but due to lack of confidence she doesn't say it. She is beautiful and intelligent. Doesn't want to hurt anyone but sometimes unintentionally she does. All the most complicated or least Complicated situations occur with her only out of her friend circle. Wants to overcome her fears but isn't able to.
by Friend of 4 November 25, 2021
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