Mirrey” is a colloquial term used in Mexico to describe a young male of European or mostly European descent from a well-to-do Mexican family. Mirreyes of Jewish and Lebanese descent are common, as well. They are more commonly referred to as fresas.

During the first quarter of the 2010’s, a mirrey was characterized by his well-groomed appearance, half buttoned up shirts, wooden roseries/Star of David necklaces, and Italian leather loafers.

However, as the second half of the decade approached, this ever evolving urban tribe began to dress down and take an interest in the environment. Although the more conservative mirreyes continue to dress similar to what they did the early part of the 2010’s, the modern mirrey has taken a more bohemian approach to his appearance. Now, a mirrey can be identified by his wavy, tousled hair, Birkenstock sandals, and the Tibetan Mala around their neck that they got on their last yoga retreat in Goa.

Mirreyes are extremely traditional and will eventually ditch whatever trend they’re following to marry well and have good looking and well dressed children who will appear in society magazines.

A true mirrey is well spoken, educated and would actually never use the terms “paps” or “mirrey” to refer to his friends. These terms are usually used by the wannabe working classes who aspire to be, what they would call, a Mirrey.
Traditional Mirrey: I haven’t seen you in ages! What happened to you?! You look like Jared Leto lol

Trendy Mirrey: That’s probably because all my Chakras are aligned and I’ve been focusing on my homemade kombucha busin-
Traditional Mirrey: I have to go to work.
by chloemx November 15, 2018
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Mexican slang for high class young men, also is an urban tribe that has a very well defined way of wearing, commonly with a shirt half buttoned and a big wooden rosary.

Literally: "My King"
- What's up papaloy? You look like a mirrey
- No!, you are "the" mirrey
- Come to my yacht and let's get wasted with our lobukis
by THEmirrey October 4, 2011
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