A straight urban male who is slightly metrosexual, but far more modest. Like his more pretensous metro counterparts, he lives in a trendy downtown loft, but he got it for a great price and filled it with furniture from yard sales. He cares how he looks and always tries to look good, but he doesn't obsess about it and he is not superficial. He's very interested in art and music, but he sticks with the stuff he enjoys instead of trying to impress people. He probably recycles and he owns at least one pair of flip flops.

His female counterpart is likely a boheme-a-leen, and his fashion sense might (or might not) be bohemo.
You'd think that if Greg could afford that apartment he could afford some socks, and maybe some furniture. He's such a metrohemian.
by bradhemian February 1, 2006
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