A unit of weight that is so uncomprehendingly huge that if you even tried to comprehend it you would instantly die.

the metric (and therefore larger) version of a fuckton.
Bob: hey Joe how much do you weigh?
Joe: like a metric fuckton.
Bob: *dies*
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a quantity consisting of 10 items or units
Most people, barring some sort of horrible injury, have a Metric Dozen toes.
by el_N666 June 27, 2007
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Pronunciation: ˈme-trik ˈpu̇-sē
Function: noun

Desirable women from anywhere other than the USA.
I am so sick of American women - from now on it's metric pussy for me.
by norfitz November 30, 2009
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What Americans call "soccer" and the rest of the world calls "football."

"Football" is shoulder pads, forward passes, and helmets.

"Metric football" is a bigger field and poor acting to convince the officials to show their red and yellow cards.
What are you watching?
Metric football.
Football season's over.
by narcszm January 21, 2011
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a base-10 measuremnt system that the whole world uses except USA, who should adopt it
The USA's standard system has 12 inches(in) to the foot(ft), and 3ft to the yard(yd) whereas the metric system is 10 milimeters(mm) to the centimeter(cm), 100cm to the meter(m), and 1000m to the kilometer(km).
by thegestalt June 14, 2004
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