Meddles is when you Meddle but do it like a lot you Meddles

MEDDLES is also the name of a Minecraft character from servers
Person 1: You Meddle a lot
Person 2: I Meddles!
by MayorOfTheTown July 31, 2018
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No one gets far intellectually who does not 'love to think,' & no one loves to think who does not have an interest in problems as such.
Being on the alert for problems signifies that mere organic curiosity, the restless disposition to meddle & reach out, has become a truly intellectual curiosity, one that protects Cody from hurrying to a conclusion & that induces him to undertake active search for new facts & ideas.
by 3rdglasseye August 16, 2023
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A place where teachers are doing everything they can to get their students to learn, but the administration as well as the district keep meddling in their daily instruction by insisting on implementing their strategy du jour.
Mr. Brown could probably get his kids to learn something if he didn't work at a meddle school where he has to constantly try out new learning strategies on his students.
by Dr. Baum November 12, 2017
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When BLACKPINK decides Lisa is good at rapping so they give her a hella weird line that rhymes and YG is like screw it Lisa will make it sound nice
Peddle to the meddle like see you later boy see you later. see you later boy see you later later, see you later boy would've should've could've .. didn't.
by FUPAYME2000sBABYIPUMPUPTHEJAM December 13, 2018
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A quarrelsome and small-minded manlet who is prone to ineffectively inserting himself into grown-up issues and conversations in a futile attempt at feeling like a big boy for once in his dwarfish life and despite the fact that grown-up subject matter goes right over his pea-brained, little head. 1978, Maryland State Delegate and absolute manlet Isaiah Dixon who hilariously tried to legislatively ban the playing of Randy Newman's musical masterpiece Short People on the radio is a good example of this phenomenon, as well as disgraced video game producer and miserable manlet boy Tiny Todd Howard who, because of his effeminate petiteness and overpowering Napoleon complex, has childishly ruined many video games with his transparent and preposterous tall tales.
Lol, why is that squealing manlet stuck headfirst in that trashcan over there? The meddling manlet tried to stop a group of children from riding that roller coaster because he was denied entrance due to his girlish height, so the kids threw him in the trash where he belongs. The trashcan must be like an aircraft hangar to that microscopic manlet boy. Hahahahaha!
by ManletDepreciator August 14, 2024
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