The act of beating someone to death with a meat tenderizer during intercourse between two bears
There was a wild meating party Saturday night.
by The tenderizer October 9, 2017
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a describing word for girls used in a derogitory way.
yo we were at the mall yesterday and there was meat every where aye.
by pip_brendan October 4, 2006
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A gathering of peers with the common goal of cooking and consuming more meat than one can eat. Stomach expansion is expected to be at at least twofold, as well as a cumulative death of at least 3 different animals for the event.
"will there be any veggie burgers at your guys' meating?"
"no fuck you jon you fucking vegetarian this is a fucking meating"
by orangefizzlebiz October 20, 2008
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n.) the male sex organ v.) to have sex with
Sister: Hey Brad, I want you to meet my new friend Ashley

Brad: Sounds good. I'd love to meat her
by Captain Fox January 18, 2012
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A slang term for a male genitals that has been overstressed by ghetto kids and wangsters and is very tiring to hear.
by Schuyler K February 7, 2009
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the way of giving someone rejection.
can also be accompanied by a hand gesture where all four fingers are closed together and the hand pointed at the person who is "taking meats".
Dave: "Apparently the world's going to end!"
Bob: "No it's not, meats!"
by gilo December 2, 2004
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