A girl that is very stunning and boys dream of. She’s very kind hearted and gentle. She will never try to show off to get boys. She only is interested in the boys that are nerdy and will treat her right.
Oh my gosh dude, Meara is so cute!
Wow she’s gorgeous.
Maybe for her birthday I’ll get her a new book!
by Zoe xoxox December 30, 2017
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1. an amazing girl. when she says she likes you, she really means it. don't waste the chance if she likes you cause she's an amazing girlfriend that any guy would die to have. she's not stuck up or bossy or mean or anything, she's a kindhearted nice pretty girl who will do anything for her friends.
"woah is that a meara"
by lolhehemwah October 6, 2011
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Meara is a kindhearted sweet girl
Meara is an amazing artist
Meara will always be there for friends
You will regreat losing her
woah its a meara
by Ally2 September 1, 2019
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Meara, otherwise know as Meara Grace Keelty is one of the most sweet and amazing girls I have ever met, Not only is she funny, smart and cool she is also the light in any room with enough energy to make the whole room happy. She is super good at cooking and baking and a good cuddler. Prettier than anyone else in the whole world
Meara is the coolest
by Flynny_Mate September 16, 2020
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Boy 1: Omg look at meara in starbucks
Boy 2: everytime she walks in im blew away
by blue cats April 23, 2022
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1. one who loves arms and enjoys licking them
2. a talented writer
3. amazing artist
4. a stunningly sexy girl
1. did you just pull a meara on me..
2. wow that must be meara
3. is this by meara?
4. that girl is meara..wow
by someone April 2, 2005
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