My Crew Is Dope
Popular saying by the band Highly Suspect. My crew is dope is a way that the band shows respect to their loyal fans by defining them as dope.
MCID are all welcome back after the show.
by CatDog122 April 4, 2017
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Minimal Clinically Important Difference. The smallest amount of change to a pateint's health condition that would actually be meaningful to them.

If you were the patient with wrist pain, this would be the smallest amount you could improve on a test for the wrist conducted by your rock star physical therapist which would correspond with a change you would notice in your life.
"I overheard my physical therapist say I met the MCID when he tested my wrist again. All I know is that I have a little less pain playing World of Warcraft for twelve hours."
by iliketomobitmobit March 11, 2018
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1. The wisest person there ever was, is and will be.
2. A star of Furcadia. Leader of the pack "Lone Star."
3. Friend of many, foe of some.
mcid is the best there is.
mcid is single!
by Your father my father May 23, 2011
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