A Cb radio term for when you have a strong station, you take out other weaker stations. The act of actually keying up (pressing your push to talk button on the microphone) is metophorically equal to dropping a big hammer (or maul) down, on top of all other, weaker stations on the same channel. A similar, more common term is, "Dropping the big hammer".
"Did you hear, Jive Turkey droppin' the maul on those guys"?

by Danman1977 July 3, 2008
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The name given to Emmanuel Neville Cenac, the newly appointed Governor General of St. Lucia. In French the phrase "Chandelle Maule" refers to soft candle.
Chandelle Maule is the new Governor General of St. Lucia who crossed the floor, betraying the trust of the people of Laborie and by extension, St. Lucia.
by jimcocosnow January 5, 2018
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When you have a strap on in the front and the back and you move your hips back and forth in order to penetrate someone in front and behind you at the same time.
I got two people coming over, imma try darth mauling it tonight.
by Leona Tan March 2, 2020
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Receiving continuous and unwanted emails from a repeat offender in your inner circle, including conspiracy forwards, cartoons, prayers with guilt trips at the end, and links to videos "you'll just love". Refers to and attempts to create a portmanteau from a popular web-based email service people use to otherwise help them to avoid spam
Crazy Aunt Kathy won't stop forwarding me these damn cat video links; she has been g-mauling me all day.
by Jehanrules October 7, 2011
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when a guy is having a threesome with two girls... puts on a strap on backwards so he's fucking one in the front and the other in back. his penis and the strap on, resemble the dual lightsaber used by darthmaul.
yo man i pulled a darth maul with those two chicks last night
by i<369 May 31, 2009
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to be completly destroyed, and to metaphorically see your own legs fall infront of you as you die.
archie: wahahaha
nick: oh son i got darth mauled!
by cheeseandchewie September 23, 2008
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when someone tackles someone and bring their legs and arms in a position that seems raptor-like while they leap at them. The person then shreiks and hisses like a raptor.
Joe: Ah shit, some asshole was talking shit about me in the hallway so I pulled a Raptor maul on his lameass!

Moe: NICE! ur hella hardcore! I wud never piss u off!
by Raptros August 27, 2008
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