They are the supporters of SB19's bunso line. They prefer to celebrate everything in private. Long live, mga kutings!
Some of Martyr Kittens famous line are:

- Kentin pa rain
-Kentin Palagi
-Kentin boyfies
by OT5 hsh October 4, 2020
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A. One who chooses to stay home and do "the most important job in the world" (caring for children) full time through a gross deposit of entitlement with no means of income of their own. B. One who feels and expresses to others that their role as a non-working parent makes them the most vital function in a family unit and possibly even the world. C. One's ex-wife.
"Ron told me the other day that I will need to get a job when the alimony ends next year. Obviously he doesn't appreciate that I do the most important job in the world. He deserves to pay me 2/3rds of his paycheck and continue to support all my wants and needs even though I wanted the divorce."

"I take on so much more than anyone could imagine. I couldn't possibly get a job - that would be selfish. I would not be able to volunteer at the church or bake cookies for my son's class. I would never have "me time" - naps, tanning, pedis, manis, botox - I need those things to stay sane and be a good mother. Nobody values Stay at Home Martyrs - our jobs are 24-7."
by Tululah July 25, 2009
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A true mistress of deception, this office snitch has too much work to get it all done, doesn’t have good help, but still makes a point to complain about how others use their time.
I’d better seem busy because Martyr Mary is on office patrol.
by Thelma365 December 20, 2021
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From time to time certain posts are made on forums / bulletin boards that are in conflict with the focus or view of the board owner or community. At these times the thread maybe closed (ie no more posts accepted) or deleted.

The said thread can then become a rallying point, or Martyr for disruptive community / individual behavior.
Someone brings up a controversial issue / matter which subsequently causes arguments and unacceptable forum behavior. The post is then closed, after which persons begin opening new threads that refer to the closed issue in rebellion to the authority that administrates the board. Community members may also form factions which can then cause further community instability.

The thread could then be called a Martyr Thread.

by Adam Docherty aka Lobos May 27, 2007
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An economic condition under which people must subsidize their living through crowdfunding and appeals to charity.
In this martyr economy, we had to go on Facebook to collect money to buy jimmy a new liver.
by Nonsensicalme July 31, 2018
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n. A person who refuses to shop at Wal-Mart based on principle alone
Trixie won’t shop at Wal-Mart because of the low wages they pay their employees and cheap Imports from foreign countries. What a Wal-Martyr!
by James Oxbow February 13, 2018
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Virtue signaling, inflexible response to COVID-19 government imposed restrictions. Also used to guilt others into living a Handmaid's tale sort of existence. Highly prevalent in democratic run states.
I haven't left my house in a year. Not to the grocery store, haven't been to a restaurant and I'm home schooling my kids. At least I'm doing my part for the community unlike some people I know...

Dude is such a Martyr-19
by Duckhomermud March 19, 2021
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