Man Napping is the Civilian Equivalent of the Forced Rest, that is taking a nap when it is necessary or not so, to forcefully recharge your batteries. This is generally ordered by the NCOs or Officers in your Platoon, Flight or Division.
Can be a restful and recuperative thing...
I was man napping during my shift... Got caught but I didn't get RTUed, I just caught el supremo...
by J. Michael Reiter September 3, 2005
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In my fucking opinion.
They're the tall,smart,funny looking ones.
Usually 90% gay.
They enjoy slapping eachother's asses in school apparently.
They do enjoy Asja Girls too so I'm told.
And 99.99% of the time they be getting horn.
I think they have grudges against Pres Man cuz we all know Pres Man better.
But they can't accept that.
Anyways I would not reccommend dating a naps man.
Cuz they'll always tell u about yr past but never talk about their pasts 🙄🤐

Too sum it up they are munipulative,physco,ugly ass boys who does feel they is all that when they ARE NOT.
dawgggg i swr doh leh dem filters fool allurr😂😂🤣
*conversation between a group of girls*
(from different school btfw)
Devina:Would you all rather a Pres Man or a Naps Man?
A: Pres Man
C: Pres Man all d way
D: Dawg I say Pres Man no capp
E: Ayo Pres Man fs
F: Pres Man fss
U: Pres Mannnn

*based on true past events*😂
by ily.ness December 24, 2021
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