An underground hip hop movement that was started by underground artist Prince EA in 2009. SMART is synonymous with Sophisticating Millions And Revolutionizing Thought.
"Damn, I'm so glad to be part of that MAKE "SMART" COOL movement, I copped one of those shirts the other day already."
by SnG. April 4, 2010
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ccms is the abbreviated form for the phrase 'cool,cool,makes sense'. The phrase is used to acknowledge a logical explanation given by another person in a nonchalant manner. Usually, the correct pronunciation demands that you speak the 'c' in an american accent. Sometimes, this phrase is used to fill awkward silences in a conversation.
for example,

software developer: hey, this is the logic to my code.
manager:,cool,makes sense (CCMS).
software developer: gee, thanks man.
by rockbouii1000 November 27, 2017
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