ma•beh•na from isiZulu (South Africa)

1. Someone who lacks agility or always disappoints.

2. A person that never ceases to dissapoint
"Mabena please disappoint me again. I knew it, Mabena!"
"I knew you wouldn't show up, you're such a Mabena!"
by NNNN June 14, 2019
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A person, usually tall, that never cease to disappoint
That Mabena is just tall and lazy for nothing.

Also see: Kaizer Cheifs
by OG defines June 15, 2019
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The one and only Mpumi and Nassir they are usually saying dumb shit and laugh for no reason just like how u are laughing right now mabena
Did you guys see that Mabena
It must have been Nassir or Mpumi neh
by Sugaboi October 1, 2020
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