The newest and best four letter profanity one could possibly use. This curse word will save you in so many situations when you need to expel frustrations, vocalize severe pain or to just let off some steam. You won't get nasty looks from people while you're basically saying fuck and shit. The best part is that you can say it around kids or grandparents until they catch on.
Nate was already late for work and his uber driver decided to take the longest route. While in the backseat all Nate can think is, "luuc!!! I guess I'm gonna be later than late".

Sevin was playing scrabble with his both his grandparents and was getting outmatched. As they played their tiles, Sevin kept repeating, "luuc! luuc! luuc! Nothing is going my way! Freakin luuc!"

Mynxie could not corral her three children in the supermarket and that led to several wine bottles being broken in front of store employees. Mynxie shrugged and exclaimed, "aaahhhh luuc, I am so sorry. My kids have been tearing up and down every aisle. Luuc".

During final bite of his loaded burrito, Trevor's suit and tie now had a messy stain. Trevor got up in the lunchroom and yelled, "luuc!!! I don't have a change of clothes and I have a meeting in five minutes. That's a luuc!"

Pronunciation: lewk, loouhk , luke
by carmac August 4, 2021
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To create a Luuc: start with a base of hysterically funny. Mix in equal parts of cute, charming, sexy and intelligent. Combine with integrity, thoughtfulness and confidence until a solid foundation forms. For flavour, add a dirty mind to the hysterically funny but balance it by increasing the charm to ‘almost irresistible’ quantity. You should find the resulting mixture is well formed and appealing to the eye. Add maturity, cheekiness and something ‘indescribably unique’ to serve.

Summary: Someone named Luuc is one of the most amazing and unique people you will ever meet. In many ways he is like a great recipe for a person – containing all the right elements in just the right quantities. If you meet a Luuc, show him he’s special by hiding things to make him smile wherever and whenever you can – even on the internet.

If you ever have the opportunity to be friends with a Luuc then take it. You will be the 2nd luckiest woman in the world.
An unladen European swallow once brought me a funny message..........It was from a someone named Luuc
by Wijs October 30, 2019
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