Last name of a Disney star. the only one that can sing.
Someone: Woah that chick can sing?

guy: Who?

Someone: Lovato. Demi Lovato
by 123456lkhhjd July 21, 2010
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An ancient being proficient in the art of graphics and programming. Not related with Demi Lovato but even better. Worked at Videouno. Doesn't like Unity. He's a Chad. Don't mess with him.
Wow Tetris on the .NET console, who has done it?
I don't know, but it surely was done with help of Lovato.
by UrbanPublications October 6, 2020
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last name of the lead singer for MEST, and his cousin which is MEST's bassist ; also can be slang for 'love'
Tony and Matt Lovato ; I Lovato you.
by Stephy March 13, 2004
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Tony got me in trouble with Benji...haha now Benj thinks i think the chicks in feeling this are hot...but yeah..tony rocks!
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Poot is Demi Lovato's two-dimensional twin sister who has been in captivity for sixty-three years. She has recently been freed from the basement.
by Ohheythere10 October 23, 2015
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Poot Lovato was locked in a basement her whole life. She was the unknown twin sister to Demi Lovato, who kept Poot's existence a secret for more than 20 years. She escaped recently, ready to show her fame to the whole world. She is Kanye West's new wife and she is now a meme circulating the globe.
Demi: Poot Lovato escaped her basement! Argh!
Poot: i wel git u demee
by pmdimak November 13, 2015
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Demi Lovato's twin sister that was locked in a basement for her whole life, did not know how to act around people, looks like a moon.
"Oh look! It's Poot Lovato making her debut!"
by GRUMPYTRUMPY November 30, 2015
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