It means "Laughing Oh My Lord". Seems legit, right? Do not confuse with Lmao.
Friend:*sends old Town road meme*

Me: Loml
by alex0202 April 26, 2019
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Acronym for lay of my life. The hottest, wildest, steamiest sex you've ever had.
Chase is the LOML - she turned me inside out last week.
by roseyamigo April 10, 2007
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Yo loml your an ooga booga taco. Get ready for a big ass wedding BOOOM HA GOT EM SO SMOOTH.
Eleyah loml your a goofy goober head ass nummy yething ctfuuuuuu stfuuuuuuuu ooga booga. I love u to death woman.
by Tipzilla November 21, 2018
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Eleyah Beck the loml

This is the next part of our journey my love. To anyone who reads this yea this is real love mother truckers. And i love this girl to the end of freaking narnia and back to mars and Jupiter. We will be together one day in person get married and move out to wenus world and live out our lives.
Eleyah Beck the loml. You are the sweetest glifnorp chicken nugget ever I love you. Wenus wenus
by Tipzilla November 13, 2018
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someone who is very kind and has a very cute butthole. he loves deeply and makes u feel like a little kid on christmas simply by hanging out with him. he’s scared of poop and diapers (or maybe he loves them). he’s very creatively gifted and talented and creates incredible, original art pieces and has a way of making it seem effortless. he’s very intelligent and knows so many things. mini library. very good kisser and even better dick.
them: i’ve never been with someone who is perfect and amazing and loves me deeply
me: of course you haven’t you aren’t dating my loml evan
by love u xoxo December 22, 2020
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one who is in love with sav and brags about it to everyone.
Guy: sav loml, I’ve never been so attracted to someone before. be sure to tell your friends about it.
by notorii March 27, 2021
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