A girl that is smaller then those around her, likes to speak out loud and defends her self moreover, is chubby
Linoshka: small, chubby, outgoing, bold and somewhat idiotic
Guy 1: wow that girl is really small
Guy 2: yeah, she is trying to stop bullies
Guy 1: still, she is small and a little chubby
by A funny guy 27 December 19, 2016
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A naturally beautiful looking girl inside out , way too smart and does not involve into any kind of drama. Attention comes to her naturally . She acts accordingly to the people around her , likes her own space and cuts down friendships that involves unnecessary drama. Born fierce, funny and fashionable . Real and rare and takes stand for the right things in life
It would be fun if linoshka was here

Ain’t nobody like Linoshka

Y is Linoshka so stunning
by The name.com November 23, 2021
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