Lil snipp is a male rapper from trondheim, norge. Lil snipp biggest hit is daddy’s apple juice or more known as pappas eplejuice. His music is available on spotify but ‘du e over dude’ is available on youtube. Search in lil snipp on both platforms and listen to his songs. Lil snipp is also quite odd judging by his songs names and songs content(thats why i love himno homo{extra bracket}) you can also say that lil snipp is pretty weird, but cul.
Johnny: That kid is reeing over

More educated Johnny: its probably lil snipp snipping them haters with his daddys applejuice that he found underneath his sopha
by DingDongSnippz123456780 April 13, 2019
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A Norwegian rapper whos songs contain Apple juice. He might be considered the best rapper in the world
Random Jeremy: Oh, this song contains Apple juice

by lilsnippfanboy_minecraft April 13, 2019
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