Cool. fashionable, girl

Probally loves anime.
Has simping issues, and trust issues
Is self consious about body
Is a strong girl
Dosent like boys

is probally a girl
She is so leksandr
by shfdsjkfj May 26, 2021
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You have some bad memories Or even get called names at school, you hate football but Love badmington Or volleyball. You Love K pop.
You mf, you hate walking alone cause 'YoUrE gOnNa gEt KiDnApPeD'
Loves roblox
Probs A Pisces
Loves Animals

Please follow me on roblox my username is ola09cat
Leksandr is a Pisces. But Has a lot of fears for example lonelyness, dark. Isnt scared of spiders but screams just cause she Dont wanna See them
by Leksandr May 20, 2021
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