The combining of the words legendary and epic. To be extremely amazing.
"Hey bro, that's a pretty sick shirt."

"It isn't just sick- it's legepic."


That movie was pretty good, but it wasn't anywhere near legepic levels.
by DK14 September 30, 2009
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1. The Legendary of Epicness.
2. The state of being Legendary and Epic at the same time.

3. Legitly Epic/Epically Legit.
4. Something Above All.
Dude that is waaaay better then being insanely awesome, that was Legepic.
by DSEL November 4, 2010
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A combination of the words "legitimate" and "epic." Something that is heroic, majestic, and impressively great as well as, not spurious or unjustified; genuine.
"Dude, did that hippo just bite that car in half?!"
"Yeah man, that was totally legepic!"
by Jelliott October 12, 2009
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