To fuck a girl REAL GOOD.
So hard she's begging and crying for you not to stop and because the orgasm is so damn good.
I laid the pipe WELL on this chick last night. She was shakin' when I got done with her!!
by 4 June 27, 2004
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having very hard sex with a girl; owning her box
Damn, that girl looks good. I wanna lay the pipe
by vinny chase December 15, 2006
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Man, I wanted to lay the pipe with my woman last night but she said, "You aint putting your dick in my boobs".

My woman has big ass boobs so laying the pipe with her was off the chain!
by Tap Dat#1 August 2, 2012
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a man who is very talented sexually. a guy who can blow his girl's back out.
by daddysfavlilgrl October 30, 2003
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