Originating from the late 1950s, the hayday of The Krays when being tough was not enough. You had to be hard as fucking nails and there were non tougher than essex boy Dickie Langslow.

Dickie, or Billie Rickets (a title affectionately awarded by Reggie Kray as a nod to Dickies home town of Billlericay) was a double hard bastard associated with the deaths of several notorious gangsters of the era.

He was well known for his love of golf in an era where it was far from cool for a gangster to be involved in the sport. He was more famous for how shit he was at the game and his use of his clubs in many of the murders he committed.
Dont mess with that cunt, he"s a fucking langslow
by The Masters Master September 8, 2016
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