ladees is the most perfect girl in the world, she will always be there for you she will be kind, loyal and loving, she has all the features a man could look for, if you have ladees in your life do not ever try to lose her or make her sad
a random boy: where is ladees????!!!!!
another random boy : what do you want from her? she is mine bc she is beautiful andsexy
by lanooooo January 21, 2019
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A Yoruba name that means 'god has crowned me' a beautiful girl that has wisdom
Lade is a loving caring girl who has been blessed
by angelic angel123 November 2, 2014
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ladees is a sexy girl that has a nice ass, she’s really confident and beautiful, she’s always a leader and never a follower, a lot of guys like her, she’s really pretty, thiccc thighs lol, but she’s actually really really pretty and gorgeous and everything nice, she has an amazing personality and long eyelashes
mert likes ladees
ladees is friends with maya
ladees wajh alroom ;)
by peasantitmaggie January 21, 2019
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Shortened version of the word "lady". (one syllable instead of two). This is the counterpart to the term "man" or "dude" that is said by hippies and such.
by jdcar81 January 11, 2008
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A term often seen on social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, meaning a female fan of actress/advocate KaDee Strickland.
"A KaDee LaDee"
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Socal slang. Short for "palisades," a wealthy white neighborhood in LA. Very very bro-y, douchey culture. Lades kids have their own weird ass slang and it does not sound like actual English when they talk.
"God, Shane is such a lades dude. He keeps saying how deeshed he is and talking about how Toppings was shut down."
"God what a queese"
by Not a lades bro October 16, 2017
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