Metaphor/slang- to have physical sex with a woman with caveman tendencies.

Also uses numerical form for devices. 187-304
eg. pagers/beepers/graffiti as
Brahim: What are you up to tonight Jay?

Jasun: Finish this game of Madden here, and go kill a hoe probably on the East. You?
by Mr Grim aka Leev September 29, 2018
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A phrase mentioned by Echo's act three. (Or for my dubbed homies, Reverb act three.)

Id make a dio joke but thats three parts ago
"Ok master! Lets kill da hoe! Shhhhhiii"
by Emporiogobrrrrr December 6, 2022
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Koichis stand telling koichi that it’s time to kill a thot
Ok master let’s kill da hoe BEETCH
by Hisbshshwuwu January 3, 2020
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