1. It's a substitute for any words that would not be appropriate for a situation.

2. A name for someone if they are acting like something that you can't say.

This is NOT the same as the word genre. Totally different. Johnra is more blunt. John. Ra. Genre starts with the Jean sort of thing (the French way of saying it)
"This crappy car is johnra."

"My 5th grade teacher was a johnra."
by Emily.F.S. July 31, 2008
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Doing a Johra on it can refer to many things such as 1- Becoming laughably angry at his best mates over nothing 2- Drinking enough to kill oneself on one occasion but never again and resorting to a 2 cans max policy 3- Using unknown units of measurements e.g. 'a fuck mile' believed to be i the region between 30 metros and just over 4.6 miles.
'u drinkin tonite?' 'Ye 2 cans max and stop fucking going on about drinking you dickhead' 'alri relax don't start "Doing a johnra on it"
by Mr. Banterking March 5, 2012
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