The fear of a ginger Swede who casts girls under a mysterious spell. While under this spell, girls are noted to ignore the ginger red locks and fall head over heels for him. Once under this spell, girls will fall into his trap of trying to pursue him further only to be lectured outside rooftop nightclubs and subsequently rejected. Girls under this spell are also likely to scream angrily at other girls under this spell from rooftops of dorms. Innocent bystanders are also at risk. In conclusion, one should avoid ginger Johans at all costs, and if one just so happens to fall into a Johan spell, it is advised that they avoid rooftops at high altitudes.
Girl 1: "Me and ginger Johan walk around and talk about life. He's actually pretty cool"
Girl 2: "Johan did the same thing to me, except this was the first week of classes. Asshole."
Girl 1: "Ugghh this is exactly why I hate him. I definitely have johanphobia."
by 1234supp June 12, 2013
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