He is a really cute boy! He's rapping so wildly and dancing so crazy. He's naturally talented! SUPER TALENTED.

You know what? Daniel Jikal is very very cute, so last but not least... He is a pretty damn handsome human being. Please look forward to him! He has a lot of talent!!! Sending love for you whoever that read this ♡
Daniel Jikal is amazing, cute, and has a wild talent which is..... Make him to be super hot on the stage.
by Dean haarlos November 23, 2021
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A state or constitution of a man that lacks the characteristics of a man and possesses the specifics descriptions such as fat , ugly , stinky and have no balls . These ‘jikal’ might also be an imbecile and lack the thinking skills of a normal human
Look at that sorry excuse of a guy, definitely a jikal
by KookyPony February 3, 2022
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