something cool or awesome that makes your jaw drop. It is widely used for cars and women.
you see a boss whip and you say "JAWLS!!!!"
or you see a hot girly and you say "Oh jawls!!"
by Christ of the streets June 12, 2010
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The face one makes when trying to contain a smile, like when chatting on MSN while at work.
I can't stop jawling!

I keep jawling

I can feel I've been jawling for a while

It is making me jawl
by DoYouKnowOlivier August 30, 2007
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When your lower jaw gives your face a nice peanut shape.
Shit son, some jawls ya got there.

Sometimes plastic surgery is a good thing.
by Snapple Fish February 22, 2011
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Jacob says:
How funny was that.
Nathan says:
I know Jawl!
by Nathan John Richard Lothian January 11, 2008
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A song about one homie wanting to put his testes into his other homie's oral cavity.
Can I put my bawls in yo jawls.
(yo jawls)
bawls in yo jawls.
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can I put my bawls in yo jawls.
(yo jawls)
bawls in yo jawls.
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
Can Iiii
by goldenppballs June 13, 2022
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A tool used to jawls with. Depending on your profession, this could mean a giant lensed camera, or an Iphone. Used to zoom in and act like a noob and "OMG" over something and knob the other person off. Basically a tool a tool uses to suck dick with.

Man, your jawls tool has such a big depth. I can see her nipples.
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