1. To be robbed, cheated, or deprived of something that is rightfully yours, due to unforeseeable circumstances.

2. Losing a life on the Super Smash Brothers stage "Jungle Japes," due to the cruel and unpredictable tides of the rushing Kong River waters below.
That asshole at the swap meet just sold me a copy of Ernest Goes to Camp, but the disc is all scratched! Man, I just got JAPED!
by Bostwick Smyth February 19, 2011
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A joke, prank, a lie, or something you thought was, but isn't.
by Golden Inferno December 29, 2017
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When a person or situation is out of hand, volatile, or reaches it's maximum potential, it is said to be japes.
"shit was japes last night, man"
by heinhelm February 9, 2011
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1.A word to describe a pratical joke OR
2.to descirbe something that was good fun
1.'I think we should pull a jape'
2.'It was a JAPE'
by japery October 29, 2005
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v. japed, jap·ing, japes

To joke or quip.

v. tr.
To make sport of.

A joke or quip.

Middle English japen, probably from Old French japer, to yap, chatter, nag, of imitative origin.
japer n.
japer·y n.
You should have seen her fall over, it was so japes!
by Bobkat May 12, 2005
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A form of humour used at someone elses expense, like joke

usually followed by
- "my friend"
- "lets propose a toast"
"ya japein meh? my friend" said joe
by joe japekinston July 15, 2004
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